Chiltern Railways 2030 Vision

In Summer 2023 we launched our Right Route 2030 vision, setting out how we intend to modernise and decarbonise our operations to deliver easier, greener, and better train travel for our communities. 

We recognise the feedback we have had from customers across the route: current seating capacity is being outgrown by rising levels of demand, and there is a clear need to modernise and improve this railway for future generations. We will always be honest and transparent with our customers, so we want to provide you with an update on progress we are making to deliver easier, greener and better journeys for our customers. 

Our 2030 Vision focuses on a 3-stage plan, which involves refurbishing our existing fleet of diesel trains (ongoing) and replacing our oldest carriages with modern trains with additional capacity (from late 2025). We are also delivering a long-term plan to decarbonise our network, which would involve introducing new battery trains powered by overhead electrification by the end of the decade.


The Right Route for Chiltern Railways

Central to our vision is a long-term strategy for a phased renewal of our fleet. Working closely with the Department for Transport, we've started our journey to 2030, which will see an easier, greener and better future for a significant part of our network.

The Right Route for Chiltern Railways

Stage 1 - Improving our existing trains

We introduced low-emission HVO fuel - recycled vegetable oil for 13% of our trains in July 2023. This reduces carbon emissions by up to 90% and particulates by up to 85% compared to diesel fuel. Our 25 year old diesel (Class 168) fleet is undergoing a £12 million refurbishment including improved Wi-Fi, USB sockets, a full repaint and a new interior refurbishment for all 85 carriages. These trains will continue to provide comfortable journeys, as will Chiltern's 35 year old (Class 165) trains which are due to begin their £4 million refresh in 2025.

Stage 2 - Modern trains and additional capacity

The second stage of this plan is to bring replacement and additional carriages into service to replace our 47 year old (Mark III) carriages. We are awaiting a decision from the Department for Transport on this proposal. These trains would deliver enhanced seating capacity to meet the growing needs of our communities and enable us to expand our timetables in the future.

Stage 3 - New battery trains with part electrification

The third stage of our plan is to work with the Department for Transport, Network Rail and Great British Railways to introduce battery-hybrid trains, alongside the part electrification of the Southern part of the Chiltern network. We anticipate that 45% of our trains will be upgraded and in operation by 2030 if Government approval is forthcoming. It takes years to design, procure and deliver new trains, so swift action is essential to meet the needs of our communities. Our plan is critical to unlock this ambitious future network. We are excited to start this process, putting us on the right route to more capacity, greater connectivity and happier customers. Delayed action will mean missing this opportunity, at the expense of our customers and colleagues, as well as our treasured environment.




Continue the refurbishment of our 25 year old diesel trains (Class 168's) and start the refresh programme of our 35 year old (Class 165) trains. Work with partners to introduce replacement and additional trains for Chiltern's customers. 


Work with the Government and Great British Railways to begin procurement of new battery-hybrid trains and business case for complementary infrastructure. Launch additional timetabled services across the Chiltern network, subject to Government approval. 


Introduce new battery-hybrid trains on our commuter routes from London to High Wycombe and Aylesbury. Work with Stakeholders on a decarbonised solution for our longer distance routes from London to Stourbridge, Birmingham and Oxford. 


Achieve an easier, greener and better future for all commuters, communities and businesses across our routes.


Right Route vision 2030 report

Chiltern Railways 2030 Vision

Greg Smith and Iain Steward at the vision 2030 conference audience at the vision 2030 conference Richard Allan presenting at the Vision 2030 conference Members of the Chiltern railways team holding a Vision 2030 placard next to the river thames

Page updated: 12 March 2025