Ticket types & fares

We know rail fare information can be overwhelming, with lots of train ticket types to choose from. Our handy guide explains the differences between them, and helps you find the right ticket type for you.

All our tickets are available to buy online, from our app or from your nearest ticket office. You can also make further savings on your ticket when you use a railcard. Visit our Railcards and Travelcards page for further information.

Summary of differences between ticket types:

Ticket typeRefundsUse with railcardsTravel on any trainBook on day
 AdvanceNon-refundableSpecified train onlyUp to 23:59 the day before travel
Off PeakWithin Off Peak times
SeasonRailcard discount not applicable14 days before the start date
DuoRailcard discount not applicableSpecified train onlyUp to 23:59 the day before travel
Flexi-SeasonRailcard discount not applicable




Why Purchase: The best value fare available.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance and until 23:59 on the day before travel on selected routes.

Advance fares



Why Purchase: The most flexible ticket available.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance including the day of travel.

Anytime tickets



Why Purchase: Better value than Anytime, more flexible than Advance.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance including the day of travel.

Off-peak tickets




Why Purchase: Save 25% when you travel with someone else.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance and until 23:59 on the day before travel.

Duo Tickets

Season Ticket


Why Purchase: Best value ticket if you travel 3-4 days a week.

Available: 14 days before the start date.


Season Tickets

Super Off-Peak


Why Purchase: Cheapest walk-up fare.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance including the day of travel on selected routes.


Super Off-peak tickets

Family Travelcard


Why Purchase: Great value family ticket.

Available: Up to 12 weeks in advance and until 23:59 on the day before travel.

Family Tickets

Flexi Season Ticket


Why Purchase: 8 days of travel in 28 days - any time between 2 stations.

Available: 21st June for travel from 28th June.


Flexi-season Tickets



Why Purchase: Discount bus fare when you purchase a train ticket.

Available: When you purchase your train ticket.


Plusbus Information


National Rail - Travel with Confidence

You can review and confirm the conditions for the type of ticket you have bought by re-entering the ticket details into the National Rail travel with confidence website. This will confirm which trains the ticket is valid for.

National Rail - Travel with Confidence

Ticket Vending Machine Price Guarantee

In the unlikely event that you purchase a ticket from one of Chiltern Railways’ ticket vending machines (TVMs) and discover you could have bought a cheaper product for the identical journey, you will be entitled to a refund to the value of the difference in cost. Please contact our customer relations team to discuss this further. Please ensure that you retain any tickets that you have purchased.

National Rail Conditions of Travel

All tickets and travel are subject to the National Rail Conditions of Travel. A copy of the 'National Rail Conditions of Travel' is available from staffed ticket offices or in a PDF to download at www.nationalrail.co.uk/nrcot

Additional Conditions of Travel

Oyster and contactless: If you use Oyster or contactless on a National Rail service (either wholly or as part of a through journey), there are additional conditions to those in the National Rail Conditions of Travel. Links to the current versions of these documents are also available at www.nationalrail.co.uk/nrcot



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