Banbury to Oxford Trains

Trains to Oxford depart from Banbury every 30 minutes. The journey can be as quick as 46 minutes on a direct train. Fares start from just £7.80 for a single ticket.

We’ve pulled together everything you need to know about this journey, so you have everything you need for a stress-free trip. Plus, you won’t have to pay booking fees when you book direct with Chiltern Railways.

The fastest route information on this page may not be representative of the frequency of services available. Please refer to the live train times feature further down the page.

Why book with Chiltern Railways?

  • Right on time
  • No booking fee
  • On board wifi
  • We are consistently voted one of the most punctual train companies in the UK
  • We never charge booking, credit or debit card fees. So you'll always get the cheapest train tickets.
  • Our spacious carriages offer plenty of tables and power points at almost every seat.
  • All Chiltern services offer complimentary Wi-Fi on board. So you can keep up-to-date while on the move.

Live train times

See live arrival and departures from Banbury to Oxford Trains train station. Here you’ll find platform numbers, live train times and route information for all services to and from Banbury to Oxford Trains.

Banbury to Oxford Journey Information

  • How much does it cost to get from Banbury to Oxford?
  • How long does it take to get from Banbury to Oxford by train?
    • The train from Banbury to Oxford takes as little as 18 minutes. The journey time may vary during weekends and holidays. This train service is direct too, so there is no need to change trains on this journey.
  • How often do trains leave from Banbury to Oxford?
    • 58 trains leave from Banbury to Oxford every day. (That’s one every 30 minutes.) The frequency of trains will vary on weekends and holidays. 
  • Where can I check the journey times for trains from Banbury to Oxford?
  • How far is it from Banbury to Oxford by train?
    • The distance between Banbury and Oxford is 21 Miles (34 km).
  • When is the first train from Banbury to Oxford?
    • The first direct train from Banbury to Oxford departs at 06:04.
  • What time is the last train from Banbury to Oxford?
    • The last direct train from Banbury to Oxford departs at 22:54.
  • Are season tickets available for this journey??
    • Yes, season tickets are available for this journey. With annual, monthly and weekly options available, you can find something which fits your needs. Find out if a season ticket is right for you here. Chiltern offer the best available price on season tickets for this journey.

There may be fewer services on weekends and public holidays; use the Journey Planner above to check timings for specific trains. Download our train timetable here for further information on this journey.

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Get there with Chiltern


Banbury station is just 5 minutes from the River Cherwell. The station is east to the city centre and has great connections to London and the Midlands. There is a lift for step-free access and plenty of amenities in and around the station. There are 795 parking spaces, and if you prefer to cycle, there are storage spaces for 63 bikes too. 

Ticket office is open 05:45-20:15 on weekdays, 06:35-19:15 on Saturday and 08:10-17:40 on Sundays.

View Banbury station on map


Oxford train station is just half a mile from Oxford city centre. Getting to and from the station is easy, with short-stay car parking as well as bicycle parking. Plenty of taxis and buses go to and from this station too.

Whether you’re visiting the world-famous university or taking a trip to the Cotswolds, Oxford and the surrounding area is full of rich culture and history. 

Ticket office is open 05:45-20:00 on weekdays, 07:30-20:00 on Saturday and 07:15-20:00 on Sundays.

View Oxford station on map

Things To Do In Oxford

It’s just a 15 minute walk to the city centre from Oxford train station, meaning you’ll be where all shops and restaurants and cafes are in no time. This includes favourites like All Bar One, Cafe Rouge and Zizzi. Obviously there are all the historic university buildings for you to visit, as well a whole list of galleries and museums. 

If you are feeling super adventurous, you can always soak up all the sights on the Oxford canal. There’s punting or plenty of boats for you to hire, and don’t worry, there are plenty of pubs along the way too.

Thinking about travelling to Oxford soon? Find out more about our cheap train ticket types here.